Madrin Rua Intro

The chords are just G,D,C,D,G,C,D,G Just listen to the strum pattern and play along for the intro. (u) (u) (u) (u) (u) (u) (u) e-3--3-3--2--2-2--0--0-0--2--2-2--3--3-3--0--0-0--2--2-2--3--| B-3--3-3--3--3-3--1--1-1--3--3-3--3--3-3--1--1-1--3--3-3--3--| G-0--0-0--2--2-2--0--0-0--2--2-2--0--0-0--0--0-0--2--2-2--0--| D-0--0-0--0--0-0--2--2-2--0--0-0--0--0-0--2--2-2--0--0-0--0--| A-2--2-2--x--x-x--3--3-3--x--x-x--2--2-2--3--3-3--x--x-x--2--| E-3--3-3--x--x-x--x--x-x--x--x-x--3--3-3--x--x-x--x--x-x--3--| (u)= Upstroke I'm not sure on the rest of the song, but once the singing starts, I think it's just a standard up down strum motion for the same chords played for full length of the bar. (I think that's a good way to describe it?)